You heard me - Exercise Sucks !
Thursday this week, due to the cooler weather, I changed my daily cardio from star jumps in the pool to walking.
And man, did I feel the difference.
I did a 50 minute brisk walk with three decent size hills.
I was smashed.
My body hurts !
- My feet hurt.
- My legs burned as I was pounding the pavement.
- My feet hurt.
- My lungs burned as I walked up those hills.
- My feet hurt.
- My eyes stung from the sweat when I was walking.
- My feet hurt.
Dragging my 153 kilo body for a 50 minute brisk walk, including a few hills, really put my body through the wringer.
For an idea of what that is like, imagine if you are a 77 kilo male - and you piggy backed your 77 kilo mate...
For 50 minutes...
And you went up three decent hills.
Yep, I was exhausted, and it was only 8:10 am, and it wasn't even a hot day.
Exercise Sucks !
But you know what sucks more than Exercise ?
- Weighing 153 kilograms !
Yes. Weighing 153 kilograms sucks more than Exercise !
That is what will drove me to push through the discomfort.
- I don't want to be 153 kg (337 lbs)
- I don't want to die young.
- I don't want to be morbidly obese.
- I don't want to die young.
- I don't want to be in pain just walking.
- I don't want to die young.
- I don't want to be out of breath walking up a flight of stairs.
- I don't want to die young.
Did I mention I don't want to die young ?
The next day, Friday, I was still aching.
- My feet ached.
- My back ached.
- My legs ached.
I knew there was no chance I could push my body through that again.
It needed a rest from the punishing workout of a 50 minute walk.
So I jumped in the pool, and pushed through the initial cold hit of the water, and smashed out my 50 minutes of cardio (1,500 star jumps).
And now it is Saturday.
Thankfully it is 'rest day' today.
I give myself one day a week from exercise, and I really needed it this week.
But to maximise my weight loss, I consume less calories today.
About 10% less than my normal daily intake.
This has all been reviewed by my dietitian, and this strategy is working.
As you can see by my weigh in image above (and do the math from last week), I have lost 800g this week.
Not as much as I had hoped, but when reviewing my intake for the week, I have noticed that a few days I ate a bit more than I should have.
It wasn't much.
Just a few extra Vita-Weets with Cheesybite.
But that adds up to 70 odd calories.
Add that to the extra egg, and I had consumed nearly 160 calories more than my daily target.
But I know what I did wrong.
I cheated, just by eating a little bit extra snack.
I miscalculated by thinking the extra egg wouldn't really make a difference.
But I can see the proof.
Three days after I overate, I either gained a 100g or didn't lose as much as I thought I should have.
And now I have updated my menu plans by removing the extra egg.
This will keep me to my target.
I have promised myself not to eat the extra Vita-Weets.
I know I didn't NEED them.
I WANTED them.
Big difference.
I enjoy my bedtime snacks, but if I want to hit my fitness and weight loss goals, I need to be true to myself.
So tomorrow, after I have rested up today, I will be hitting that pavement.
I will be doing that 50 minute walk.
- I will be sweating !
- I will have sore feet !
- I will have sore legs !
- I will have a sore back !
- I will feel exhausted !
But it will be worth it.
I will be fitter than the day before.
I will be closer to my goal.
I think this image and statement says it all...

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